Wine lovers everywhere! Let’s hear from real, unpretentious people who love to drink wine…and who are right in our own neighborhood or who may even be next door. These are the people who actually purchase the wine and help make this industry work – I’ll be profiling these real people on a regular basis…
I’ve known Adam Androulidakis, our *Wine Lover* Next Door for about five years now. We met when he happened to be my daughter’s boyfriend when she was a freshman at the University of Colorado-Boulder. With both Texan and Greek roots, Adam, 25 years old, loves his wine as much as he loves his moussaka, spanakopita, barbeque, mac and cheese, and…sushi! It has been fun to get to know Adam during the years and appreciate his love of wine. Now you get the chance!
So, Adam…
Tell the readers a bit about yourself.
Adam: I hail from Boulder, Colorado, and currently live in Harrisonburg, Virginia. I am an IT contractor for IBM specializing in Information Systems Management and a student of Computer Information Systems and Computer Science. My interests are in Asian culture, pre-European society and history, and I am very fond of science fiction novels and fantasy/role playing video games.
When did you start enjoying wine?
Adam: I truly started enjoying wine during my stay in Athens, Greece a few years ago. My grandmother had quite a selection of wines from the islands and I found myself having small tastings in her living room. Following those days, whenever I would go and try out the variety of restaurants, I would order a completely different wine than the previous restaurant I had visited…then compare. From there, my enjoyment and appreciation for wine grew.
What wines do you particularly like?
Adam: I like dry and fruity red wines, non-sweet Greek reds and whites from the island vineyards. I must mention my palate has recently moved into the realm of fruit-wines, such as Japanese plum-wine – something I highly recommend to have ice cold on a hot and humid day (refreshing, not exactly sweet but tangy!).
Are there any wines you don’t like? Why?
Adam: I do not enjoy the taste of many sweet wines. They are too tart for my liking, and I believe they drive away from the taste of the grape rather than bring it out.
When you go out, what wine do you usually drink?
Adam: Since cost is one of the key factors, I have a tendency to order inexpensive red wines if I am going to have more than one glass with a group of friends, a medium cost if I am out with only one other, and a glass of the most interesting sounding (and expensive) I can find if it is a very special occasion. In any of the situations, I will have a white wine with fish or before/during dessert.
With whom and how often do you enjoy wine?
Adam: Most frequently, I drink wine with one other or in a small group of two or three friends about once or twice a week.
Do you have a favorite food pairing with wine?
Adam: I love a Merlot with marinara-heavy pizzas.
What factors affect your decision to purchase a bottle of wine?
Adam: Most of the time, it is a wine someone has mentioned or recommended. Sometimes, the bottles call out to me individually while I am shopping. The label and the font capture my attention and I then read a little about the wine on the bottle. I do not believe I have purchased a wine based on its advertising in a magazine, newspaper, or online.
How much do you typically spend on wine?
Adam: I average around $30-$50 every two weeks on wines which I take home.
How often and where do you purchase wine?
Adam: Every one or two weeks at the grocery store or local wine shop.
With what brands are you familiar?
Adam: There are many I am familiar with…off of the top of my head: Davinci, Yellow Tail, Bare Foot, Hercules, Mavrodaphne, Koshu, New Kent and Kendall-Jackson.
Why do you like wine?
Adam: I like the different tastes, its mild ‘tranquilizing’ properties, and the controversial anti-aging ingredient resveratrol!
How knowledgeable do you think you are about wine?
Adam: Not too knowledgable – I still consider myself to be a wine newbie.
Do you take steps to learn more? If so, how?
Adam: Drink more wine, go to more tastings, and follow a wine blog!
Thanks, Adam! Welcome to the *Wine Lover* Next Door family! Oh, yeah…welcome to our family, too. I’ll guarantee that we’ll have some nice wine at the wedding next summer!
Cheers to your *Wine Lover* next door! ~ Cindy

Adam Androulidakis~*Wine Lover* Next Door